Finding Calm in Chaos

Finding Calm in Chaos

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This is a unique program that I've designed over the past 8 years, as I continue to heal. It all started one day in 2015, while sitting on an airplane, coming home after an Advanced Mindfulness workshop, that I got this brainstorm, a download as I call it.

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Taking out my notebook, I wrote a poem and the name, Finding Calm in Chaos, not knowing what it meant at the time. It wasn’t until 2016, after my CPTS diagnoses, that it was revealed to me. The poem and book idea of the same name, was exactly what I was experiencing, and I knew that this would become my new passion and purpose. Finding Calm in Chaos is the title of the book I am writing, a memoir of my life as a wildland firefighter, elite athlete, and mom, healing through complex post-traumatic stress and complicated grief, yet it’s so much more. It’s now become my life’s work; helping others find the tools and resources to better inform them how to become trauma informed, while also learning how to take care of themselves, while healing through traumatic stress and grief.


Who hasn't experienced traumatic stress, in this day and age? Especially as we continue to navigate the effects of Covid-19, affecting the health, wellness and lives of everyone on earth. We have become so entrenched in 'fixing' the symptoms, that many practitioners have forgotten, or never learned, caring and compassionate 'bedside manners'. You add trauma and grief to that mix, and it, in itself, creates a whole other level of symptoms.

What if every healing practitioner had a 'tool bag' of modalities to better equip them, in treating patients with any levels of trauma and grief. What if they had the knowledge and skills, that enabled them to provide a caring, safe and nurturing experience for those clients? What if?

One of my flagship courses, has been designed for healing practitioners, in any field, to provide better care for their patients, providing them a safe and compassionate environment, while understanding how trauma and grief manifest, in the body, and in the mind.

It's amazing, how healing can begin, when working with a trauma informed practitioner, that 'hears you', when you speak, 'sees you', noticing any variations of a trauma response, and never judges you or 'tells you', how you need to heal. It is known that healing begins, while in the presence of a safe and nurturing relationship, who walks alongside you in your journey, providing wisdom and support.

I can help you become more trauma informed, allowing you the opportunity to provide your clientele, the safe and nurturing space that they need to heal, while helping you learn how to heal yourself, as a practitioner.

Reach Out!