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When we look at our lives, through the lens of traumatic stress, it's important to understand that this can easily lead to imbalances in our autonomic nervous system. This ANS system was designed specifically to protect us, especially in the midst of danger. It has an amazing wisdom that keeps us safe, and alive - ultimate survival. But what happens when this system goes rogue, these imbalances left unaddressed, especially in our somatic body.

It is well researched that this unaddressed traumatic stress will manifest in the body, leading to physical, mental and emotional health issues, if not properly dealt with. Everything from anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress; to addictions. Much of this may have started with early childhood and developmental trauma, things like neglect, shame, and abandonment. And although there is not one person that has not experienced the likes of traumatic stress; according to Peter Levine, PhD, and creator of Somatic Experiencing, the important thing is HOW we reacted to this traumatic stress. Perhaps, as a young child, we witnessed a terrible event; only to be shamed and ridiculed, being told to '"suck it up", not being allowed to process and feel our emotions. Then, on the other hand, perhaps that same child, was comforted and nurtured after the event, being assured that "everything would be all right." That made all the difference in the world for that child, and their ANS was able to feel safe, feel heard, and feel seen.

We know that anyone who is dealing with traumatic stress, especially those experiencing the symptoms of post-traumatic stress or complex post-traumatic stress, feel it in their bodies, first and foremost. Even before having any knowledge of this on a conscious level, our bodies have the innate wisdom to recognize these feelings of not being safe. Simple things like 'butterflies in the stomach', or 'being stabbed in the back'; our bodies are sharing an amazing process with us, if only we would pay attention and listen.

It is my belief, and the belief of so many other trauma specialists, that, in order to heal from traumatic stress, we MUST address it in the somatic body. We can't THINK our way, or TALK our way, through this process. We must go inward, listening to the wisdom and messages that our bodies are sharing with us, allowing everything that comes up; memories, emotions, thoughts, and sensations, to flow through us; without judgement, only love and compassion. And although, psychotherapy is an amazing tool, it must be accompanied by a somatic practice to truly heal our inner wounding. It's only when we begin to explore and heal our inner landscape, that the miracles happen.

To begin a simple, yet effective somatic practice, it's important to use a professional, who not only understands traumatic stress, but has in depth knowledge of our somatic inner workings and has experienced their own healing journey. When I teach my Trauma Safe Somatic Movement practice, I utilize the body's wisdom to help guide the practice. And although there are so many things that are included in this, I'm pleased to share a practice that is provided by my amazing daughter-in-law, Dr. Sabrina Livingston, DC, who happens to be a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine (my son, Parker Livingston will follow suit in August 2024). And although, many people may shun these amazing practices, I can say, for a fact, that they can provide specific skills and tools that are designed specifically to help calm and restore the ANS. I love that this ancient healing medicine, simple and sacred, addresses ANS health and wellbeing.

I do hope that you will explore more here, in a recent article published by Dr. Sabrina, "The Diaphragm, Psoas, and Their Integral Role in Posture and Low Back Pain."