

That brief moment, between the inhale and the exhale,

When the world seems to stand still, even if only for a millisecond.

When everything seems to fall away, the discontent, the anger and the


The overwhelm, that was filling every crevice in your body, seems to melt

into nothingness.

Allowing the body and breath a moment to settle into silence and stillness;

As the mind calms, just enough to let the crazy thoughts float away on a


The to-do list, the should and could, the doubts and shame.

As we come back, over and over again, to the simple PAUSE.

The sensations that were ravaging our bodies and nervous system,

sending the alarm that all was not safe; can now find a moment of peace

and calm, even if only for a millisecond.

The emotions and feelings that keep beckoning us back to those frozen

moments in time.; where memories seemed etched in our soul.

The present, as it merges with the past as we sit and ponder the chaos

and craziness of our life.

The ebb and flow of the chaos, the pendulation between the ups and

downs, sadness and joy.

As our shoulders and hips respond in tightness, tenderness and


Only to let go, surrender, and melt – if only for a millisecond.

The breath, as it comes and goes, responding in dialogue with our heart;.

Whispering sweet nothings.

Those simple, yet sacred words of love and tenderness that we all yearn to


Giving ourselves, the love and compassion that we so easily give to others.

Letting our breath, breathe us; sending messages of wisdom as we listen

to the seat of our soul,

As it beckons us to move forward, with grace.

Breathing In and Breathing Out.

As we find the rhythm of our heart and soul, our body in harmony,

together as one.

Trusting the process and loving ourselves through it all.

Coming back to that brief moment, between the inhale and the exhale,

When the world seems to stand still, even if only for a millisecond,

Even in the simple PAUSE.